Configuration File

Customize your Vue.js 3 Design System with Inkline's configuration file. Easily adjust colors, typography, spacing, and more.

The @inkline/config package generates a comprehensive set of CSS Variables with sensible defaults. With the inkline.config.ts theme configuration file, you can easily customize various aspects of your Design System.

Default Configuration

The configuration provides sensible, overridable, interdependent defaults that work well in any Design System. Inkline's default Design Tokens are generated using the following configuration:

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            animation: {
                duration: '300ms',
                timingFunction: 'ease'
            boxShadow: {
                offsetX: '0',
                offsetY: '0.5rem',
                blurRadius: '1rem',
                spreadRadius: '-0.75rem',
                color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)'
            breakpoints: {
                xs: 0,
                sm: 576,
                md: 768,
                lg: 992,
                xl: 1200,
                '2xl': 1400
            color: {
                red: '#f2413d',
                orange: '#f98e5a',
                yellow: '#ffda77',
                green: '#2fb079',
                teal: '#48b4a9',
                blue: '#178bb2',
                purple: '#8268ae',
                pink: '#fc778a',
                white: '#ffffff',
                light: 'var(--color-gray-100)',
                gray: '#8e9fa4',
                dark: 'var(--color-gray-800)',
                black: '#000000',
                primary: '<% %>',
                secondary: '<% theme.color.purple %>',
                info: '<% theme.color.teal %>',
                success: '<% %>',
                warning: '<% theme.color.yellow %>',
                danger: '<% %>'
            margin: '1rem',
            padding: '1rem',
            border: '1px solid var(--color-gray-200)',
            borderRadius: '4px',
            scaleRatio: {
                minorSecond: 1.067,
                majorSecond: 1.125,
                minorThird: 1.2,
                majorThird: 1.25,
                perfectFourth: 1.333,
                augmentedFourth: 1.414,
                perfectFifth: 1.5,
                golden: 1.618,
                primary: 'var(--scale-ratio-minor-third)'
            size: {
                multiplier: 1,
                percentages: {
                    '0': '0%',
                    '25': '25%',
                    '50': '50%',
                    '75': '75%',
                    '100': '100%'
            typography: {
                fontFamily: {
                    primary: {
                        base: "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif",
                            "'SFMono-Regular', Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace",
                        print: "'Georgia', 'Times New Roman', 'Times', serif"
                    secondary: {
                        base: 'var(--font-family-primary-base)',
                        monospace: 'var(--font-family-primary-monospace)',
                        print: 'var(--font-family-primary-print)'
                fontWeight: {
                    extralight: 200,
                    light: 300,
                    normal: 'normal',
                    semibold: 600,
                    bold: 'bold',
                    black: 900,
                    lighter: 'lighter',
                    bolder: 'bolder'
                fontSize: '1rem',
                lineHeight: 1.5,
                letterSpacing: 0,
                color: {
                    dark: 'var(--color-dark)',
                    weak: 'var(--color-gray-700)',
                    weaker: 'var(--color-gray-500)',
                    weakest: 'var(--color-gray-300)',
                    light: 'var(--color-light)'
                contrastColor: {
                    light: 'var(--color-gray-900)',
                    dark: 'var(--color-white)'
            elements: {
                code: {
                    color: 'var(--color-red)',
                    background: 'var(--color-gray-50)'
                body: {
                    background: 'var(--color-white)',
                    color: 'var(--color-gray-900)'
                grid: {
                    columns: 12,
                    gutter: '28px',
                    xs: {
                        gutter: 'calc(var(--grid--gutter) * var(--size-multiplier-xs))',
                        width: '100%'
                    sm: {
                        gutter: 'calc(var(--grid--gutter) * var(--size-multiplier-sm))',
                        width: 'calc(var(--breakpoint-sm) - var(--grid--sm--gutter))'
                    md: {
                        gutter: 'calc(var(--grid--gutter) * var(--size-multiplier-md))',
                        width: 'calc(var(--breakpoint-md) - var(--grid--md--gutter))'
                    lg: {
                        gutter: 'calc(var(--grid--gutter) * var(--size-multiplier-lg))',
                        width: 'calc(var(--breakpoint-lg) - var(--grid--lg--gutter))'
                    xl: {
                        gutter: 'calc(var(--grid--gutter) * var(--size-multiplier-xl))',
                        width: 'calc(var(--breakpoint-xl) - var(--grid--xl--gutter))'
                    '2xl': {
                        gutter: 'calc(var(--grid--gutter) * var(--size-multiplier-2xl))',
                        width: 'calc(var(--breakpoint-2xl) - var(--grid--2xl--gutter))'
                d1: {
                        'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5))'
                d2: {
                        'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-4))'
                d3: {
                        'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-3))'
                d4: {
                        'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-2))'
                d5: {
                        'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-1))'
                d6: {
                    fontSize: 'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5))'
                h1: {
                    fontSize: 'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-5))'
                h2: {
                    fontSize: 'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-4))'
                h3: {
                    fontSize: 'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-3))'
                h4: {
                    fontSize: 'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-2))'
                h5: {
                    fontSize: 'calc(var(--font-size) * var(--scale-ratio-pow-1))'
                h6: {
                    fontSize: 'var(--font-size)'
            variants: {
                borderRadius: {
                    xs: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xs)'
                    sm: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-sm)'
                    md: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-md)'
                    lg: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-lg)'
                    xl: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xl)'
                color: {
                    primary: {
                        '50': {
                            lightness: 95
                        '100': {
                            lightness: 90
                        '200': {
                            lightness: 80
                        '300': {
                            lightness: 70
                        '400': {
                            lightness: 60
                        '500': {
                            lightness: 50
                        '600': {
                            lightness: 40
                        '700': {
                            lightness: 30
                        '800': {
                            lightness: 20
                        '900': {
                            lightness: 10
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    secondary: {
                        '50': {
                            lightness: 95
                        '100': {
                            lightness: 90
                        '200': {
                            lightness: 80
                        '300': {
                            lightness: 70
                        '400': {
                            lightness: 60
                        '500': {
                            lightness: 50
                        '600': {
                            lightness: 40
                        '700': {
                            lightness: 30
                        '800': {
                            lightness: 20
                        '900': {
                            lightness: 10
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    info: {
                        '50': {
                            lightness: 95
                        '100': {
                            lightness: 90
                        '200': {
                            lightness: 80
                        '300': {
                            lightness: 70
                        '400': {
                            lightness: 60
                        '500': {
                            lightness: 50
                        '600': {
                            lightness: 40
                        '700': {
                            lightness: 30
                        '800': {
                            lightness: 20
                        '900': {
                            lightness: 10
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    success: {
                        '50': {
                            lightness: 95
                        '100': {
                            lightness: 90
                        '200': {
                            lightness: 80
                        '300': {
                            lightness: 70
                        '400': {
                            lightness: 60
                        '500': {
                            lightness: 50
                        '600': {
                            lightness: 40
                        '700': {
                            lightness: 30
                        '800': {
                            lightness: 20
                        '900': {
                            lightness: 10
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    warning: {
                        '50': {
                            lightness: 95
                        '100': {
                            lightness: 90
                        '200': {
                            lightness: 80
                        '300': {
                            lightness: 70
                        '400': {
                            lightness: 60
                        '500': {
                            lightness: 50
                        '600': {
                            lightness: 40
                        '700': {
                            lightness: 30
                        '800': {
                            lightness: 20
                        '900': {
                            lightness: 10
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    danger: {
                        '50': {
                            lightness: 95
                        '100': {
                            lightness: 90
                        '200': {
                            lightness: 80
                        '300': {
                            lightness: 70
                        '400': {
                            lightness: 60
                        '500': {
                            lightness: 50
                        '600': {
                            lightness: 40
                        '700': {
                            lightness: 30
                        '800': {
                            lightness: 20
                        '900': {
                            lightness: 10
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    gray: {
                        '50': {
                            lightness: 95
                        '100': {
                            lightness: 90
                        '200': {
                            lightness: 80
                        '300': {
                            lightness: 70
                        '400': {
                            lightness: 60
                        '500': {
                            lightness: 50
                        '600': {
                            lightness: 40
                        '700': {
                            lightness: 30
                        '800': {
                            lightness: 20
                        '900': {
                            lightness: 10
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    light: {
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                    dark: {
                        'shade-150': {
                            darken: 15
                        'shade-100': {
                            darken: 10
                        'shade-50': {
                            darken: 5
                        'tint-50': {
                            lighten: 5
                        'tint-100': {
                            lighten: 10
                        'tint-150': {
                            lighten: 15
                margin: {
                    '2': {
                        multiply: 2
                    '3': {
                        multiply: 3
                    '4': {
                        multiply: 4
                    '5': {
                        multiply: 5
                    xs: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xs)'
                    sm: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-sm)'
                    md: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-md)'
                    lg: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-lg)'
                    xl: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xl)'
                    '1-5': {
                        divide: 5
                    '1-4': {
                        divide: 4
                    '3-4': {
                        divide: 4,
                        multiply: 3
                    '1-3': {
                        divide: 3
                    '2-3': {
                        divide: 3,
                        multiply: 2
                    '1-2': {
                        divide: 2
                padding: {
                    '2': {
                        multiply: 2
                    '3': {
                        multiply: 3
                    '4': {
                        multiply: 4
                    '5': {
                        multiply: 5
                    xs: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xs)'
                    sm: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-sm)'
                    md: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-md)'
                    lg: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-lg)'
                    xl: {
                        multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xl)'
                    '1-5': {
                        divide: 5
                    '1-4': {
                        divide: 4
                    '3-4': {
                        divide: 4,
                        multiply: 3
                    '1-3': {
                        divide: 3
                    '2-3': {
                        divide: 3,
                        multiply: 2
                    '1-2': {
                        divide: 2
                size: {
                    multiplier: {
                        '2xs': {
                            divide: 'var(--scale-ratio-pow-3)'
                        xs: {
                            divide: 'var(--scale-ratio-pow-2)'
                        sm: {
                            divide: 'var(--scale-ratio-pow-1)'
                        md: {},
                        lg: {
                            multiply: 'var(--scale-ratio-pow-1)'
                        xl: {
                            multiply: 'var(--scale-ratio-pow-2)'
                        '2xl': {
                            multiply: 'var(--scale-ratio-pow-3)'
                typography: {
                    fontSize: {
                        xs: {
                            multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xs)'
                        sm: {
                            multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-sm)'
                        md: {
                            multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-md)'
                        lg: {
                            multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-lg)'
                        xl: {
                            multiply: 'var(--size-multiplier-xl)'
        dark: {
            border: {
                color: 'var(--color-gray-700)'
            typography: {
                color: {
                    weak: 'var(--color-gray-300)',
                    weaker: 'var(--color-gray-500)',
                    weakest: 'var(--color-gray-700)'
            elements: {
                code: {
                    color: 'var(--color-red)',
                    background: 'var(--color-gray-900)'
                body: {
                    background: 'var(--color-dark-shade-50)',
                    color: 'var(--color-gray-100)'



The config supports multiple themes.

  • The default theme variables will be generated directly in the :root of your page
  • Other themes are defined under a .${themeName}-theme class, e.g. .dark-theme
import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            color: {
                primary: '#178ab0'
        dark: {
            color: {
                primary: '#56aecc'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            animation: {
                duration: '300ms',
                timingFunction: 'ease'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            border: '1px solid #c4cdd0'

Border sides can also be specified individually as strings or objects.

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            border: {
                top: {
                    width: '1px',
                    style: 'solid',
                    color: '#c4cdd0'
                right: '1px solid #c4cdd0',
                bottom: '1px solid #c4cdd0',
                left: '1px solid #c4cdd0'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            borderRadius: '4px'

Border radius corners can also be specified individually, or as an array of values.

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            borderRadius: {
                topLeft: '4px',
                topRight: '4px',
                bottomRight: '4px',
                bottomLeft: '4px',



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            boxShadow: {
                offsetX: '0',
                offsetY: '0.5rem',
                blurRadius: '1rem',
                spreadRadius: '-0.75rem',
                color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            breakpoints: {
                xs: 0,
                sm: 576,
                md: 768,
                lg: 992,
                xl: 1200,
                '2xl': 1400



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            color: {
                gray: '#8e9fa4',
                dark: 'var(--color-gray)',

You can also define colors as HSLA or RGB.

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            color: {
                primary: {
                    h: 86,
                    s: 175,
                    l: 205,
                    a: 1
                secondary: {
                    r: 195,
                    g: 54,
                    b: 57,
                    a: 1



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            margin: '1rem'

Margin sides can also be specified individually, or as an array of values.

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            margin: {
                top: '1rem',
                right: '1rem',
                bottom: '1rem',
                left: '1rem'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            padding: '1rem'

Padding sides can also be specified individually, or as an array of values.

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            padding: {
                top: '1rem',
                right: '1rem',
                bottom: '1rem',
                left: '1rem'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            scaleRatio: {
                minorSecond: 1.067,
                majorSecond: 1.125,
                minorThird: 1.2,
                majorThird: 1.25,
                perfectFourth: 1.333,
                augmentedFourth: 1.414,
                perfectFifth: 1.5,
                golden: 1.618,
                primary: 'var(--scale-ratio-minor-third)'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            size: {
                multiplier: 1,
                percentages: {
                    0: '0%',
                    25: '25%',
                    50: '50%',
                    75: '75%',
                    100: '100%'



import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            typography: {
                fontFamily: {
                    primary: {
                        base: "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif",
                            "'SFMono-Regular', Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace",
                        print: "'Georgia', 'Times New Roman', 'Times', serif"
                    secondary: {
                        base: 'var(--font-family-primary-base)',
                        monospace: 'var(--font-family-primary-monospace)',
                        print: 'var(--font-family-primary-print)'
                fontWeight: {
                    extralight: 200,
                    light: 300,
                    normal: 'normal',
                    semibold: 600,
                    bold: 'bold',
                    black: 900,
                    lighter: 'lighter',
                    bolder: 'bolder'
                fontSize: '1rem',
                lineHeight: 1.5,
                letterSpacing: 0,
                color: {
                    dark: 'var(--color-gray-900)',
                    muted: 'var(--color-gray-600)',
                    light: 'var(--color-gray-100)'
                contrastColor: {
                    light: 'var(--color-gray-900)',
                    dark: 'var(--color-white)'



The elements property provides a way to add generic element-specific variables. Each nested key inside of elements will be concatenated to the variable name using a -- (double dash), unless it's part of a known CSS property (i.e. -> body--margin-top).

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            elements: {
                body: {
                    background: 'var(--color-white)',
                    color: 'var(--color-gray-900)'
                grid: {
                    columns: 12,
                    gutter: '28px'



Variants provide a way to apply modifiers to generate multiple variable versions based on the initial base value.

import { defineConfig } from '@inkline/config';

export default defineConfig({
    theme: {
        default: {
            variants: {
                color: {
                    primary: {
                        'shade-50': { darken: 5 },
                        'tint-50': { lighten: 5 }
                margin: {
                        '1-2': { divide: 2 },
                        2: { multiply: 2 }

Color type values accept the following variant modifiers:

  • hue or h
  • saturation or s
  • lightness or l
  • alpha or a
  • lighten
  • darken
  • saturate
  • desaturate
  • grayscale
  • fade
  • opaquer
  • rotate

Number type values accept the following variant modifiers:

  • multiply
  • divide
  • add
  • subtract